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March 7, 2013

Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Swing University Spring 2013 Course Schedule

New York, NY
(March 07, 2013) —  

For Immediate Release: March 7th, 2013


Guitarist Vincent Pelote, Pianist Connie Crothers,
Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra Trombonist Vincent Gardner,
Jazz Historians Phil Schaap, Terry Waldo, and Ben Young
to Lead Jazz Education Courses

Free Open House on Thursday, March 7th at 6:30pm

Jazz at Lincoln Center (JALC) continues the 25th anniversaryeducation season with the Spring Term of Swing University. This term marks the return of old favorites such as Ragtime led by leading ragtime scholar Terry Waldo; Free Jazz led by jazz historian and WKCR’s Ben Young; the popular Jazz 101 taught by Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra trombonist Vincent Gardner; and the course Charlie Christian, a career retrospective on a pioneer of electric guitar led by guitarist and head of the Institute of Jazz Studies at Rutgers University, Vincent Pelote. Pianist virtuoso Connie Crothers teaches her final course with Swing University, the widely loved Lennie’s Listening Lessons, as the primary teaching disciple of Lennie Tristano himself.

Swing University, led by JALC curator and renowned historian Phil Schaap, offers a deeper understanding and appreciation of jazz through courses for everyone – from novice to aficionado. Insight and expertise are shared by award-winning jazz scholars, historians, and musicians who have witnessed the history first-hand. The Spring Term courses are led by some of the most respected names in the jazz community: Vincent Pelote, Vincent Gardner, Ben Young, Connie Crothers, Terry Waldo and Phil Schaap.


Charlie Christian with Vincent Pelote
4 Monday Nights: 4/01, 4/08, 4/15, 4/22
6:30pm – 8:30pm

Jazz 101 with Vincent Gardner
8 Monday Nights: 4/01, 4/08, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/06, 5/13, 5/20

Lennie’s Listening Lessons with Connie Crothers
8 Tuesday Nights: 4/02, 4/09, 4/16, 4/23, 4/30, 5/07, 5/14, 5/21

Jazz 201 with Phil Schaap
8 Tuesday Nights: 4/02, 4/09, 4/16, 4/23, 4/30, 5/07, 5/14, 5/21

Ragtime with Terry Waldo
4 Tuesday Nights: 3/19, 4/02, 4/09, 4/16

Jazz 301 with Phil Schaap
7 Wednesday Nights: 3/27, 4/03, 4/10, 4/17, 4/24, 5/01, 5/08
Optional final exam on 5/22

Free Jazz with Ben Young
8 Wednesday Nights: 3/27, 4/03, 4/10, 4/17, 4/24, 5/01, 5/08, 5/15

Full course descriptions can be found here.

How: Courses from $150 to $250. To enroll online, click here. For more information, call 212-258-9922.

Irene Diamond Education Center at Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Frederick P. Rose Hall (5th Floor), Broadway at 60th Street, New York, NY.

Open House:
Swing University’s free open house is on Thursday, March 7th, at 6:30pm – 8:00pm at The Agnes Varis and Karl Leichtman Studio at Jazz at Lincoln Center’s home, Frederick P. Rose Hall. For more information and to RSVP, email swingu@jazz.org or call 212-258-9922

Single class tickets, from $30-45, are available for cash purchase at the door on the evening of each class.
For more information, email swingu@jazz.org.

Bloomberg is the lead corporate sponsor of Swing University.

Jazz at Lincoln Center gratefully acknowledges
The Irene Diamond Fund for its major support of programming in the Irene Diamond Education Center.